Did you know that on average, auto-related crashes result in one person being injured after every 2 minutes 3 seconds in Texas alone? In 2019, more than 256,338 people were injured in motor vehicle traffic crashes. Car crashes are some of the most unexpected events in life that leave an instant and lasting impact. T98 Rehab Chiropractic and Wellness, has been helping auto accident injuries in Austin for years. We understand the emotional, and physical pain one faces after such an accident. That is why we are committed to helping patients heal and get results.
So, remember this: are you feeling symptoms of injury after a car accident? Pain, numbness, dizziness, not feeling like yourself, or whatever it is? Seek care immediately. Don’t assume that your injuries will clear up on their own. Do the safe thing and get checked out.
Why You Should Go See a Chiropractor After An Auto Accident Injury
While many auto injuries are often tackled through surgeries, the procedures are expensive. Chiropractic care can provide you an efficient, non-drug, and surgery-free way to relieve your pain. For instance, neck, back, and shoulder pain that result from auto or boat accidents are easily tackled through Chiropractic care.

Chiropractors use a noninvasive to deal with the pain. At T98 chiropractic and rehab center, we understand that every patient’s needs are different. As such, our skilled chiropractors customize their approach to meet the specific needs of the patient. This reduces the recovery process, allowing you to bounce back to your regular activities in less time.
At T98 Chiropractic and Rehab center, we employ chiropractic treatment that addresses the pain and injuries. We offer chiropractic adjustments that not only relieve the pressure on the spine and muscles but also help ease the pain from a car accident. We also employ corrective exercises that assist to bring back your body‘s full range of motion.
Even if you are involved in a minor auto accident, one visit to your doctor isn’t enough to guarantee your safety. Unfortunately, most of the auto accident injuries aren’t immediate. This means while your doctor could treat the visible injuries this doesn’t guarantee that your body functions are reverted to normality. Our chiropractors take their time to do a thorough investigation and address any underlying cause that could turn to live threatening injuries if not left unchecked. T98 Chiropractors will not only address the immediate pain but also make the necessary adjustments that promote better overall health.
The AfterShock and Your Road to Recovery
While many auto injuries are often tackled through surgeries, the procedures are expensive. Chiropractic care can provide you with an efficient, non-drug, and surgery-free way to relieve your pain. For instance, neck, back, and shoulder pain that result from auto or boat accidents are easily tackled through Chiropractic care.
Chiropractors use a noninvasive to deal with the pain. At T98 chiropractic and rehab center, we understand that every patient’s needs are different. As such, our skilled chiropractors customize their approach to meet the specific needs of the patient. This reduces the recovery process, allowing you to bounce back to your regular activities in less time.
We employ chiropractic treatment that addresses pain and injuries. We offer chiropractic adjustments that not only relieve the pressure on the spine and muscles but also help ease the pain from a car accident. We also employ corrective exercises that assist to bring back your body‘s full range of motion.
Even if you are involved in a minor auto accident, one visit to your doctor isn’t enough to guarantee your safety. Unfortunately, most of the auto accident injuries aren’t immediate. This means while your doctor could treat the visible injuries this doesn’t guarantee that your body functions are reverted to normality. Our chiropractors take their time to do a thorough investigation and address any underlying cause that could turn to live threatening injuries if not left unchecked. T98 Chiropractors will not only address the immediate pain but also make the necessary adjustments that promote better overall health.
What to Do After an Auto Accident
Our bodies are not designed to handle a crash, this means regardless of the accident severity or how safe your car is rated, life-altering injuries can still occur. Auto accidents affect our bodies in various manners, and the effects may not be present immediately after the accident. At T98 Rehab and Chiropractic office, we have experienced professionals who assist in accessing the auto accident effects on the body. This will help treat the injuries that occur immediately after the accidents as well as any other post-accident effects. While there are various things, you can do after an auto accident in terms of both legal action and health perspective. From the healing side of things, here are some of the crucial things to do if you have been involved in an auto or boat accident.
The Effect Automobile Accidents Have On the Body
The harsh truth is our body is soft, and cars are hard-core metals. When you think of it, when you are in the vehicle, the closest thing to you is your steering wheel, hand brake, dashboard, and the pillar between the two side windows. All these items are made from metals and hard plastics. The windscreen and windows are made from glass. When your car hits something, your body collides with these items. A good example of this scenario is shaking an egg in a metal can.
True, all collisions aren’t the same, and various factors affect the severity of the injuries. This includes things such as the type of crash (head-on, side crash, rollover, etc), the driving speed, whether you were wearing a seatbelt, whether the automobile has airbags, and much more. According to research, seatbelted drivers tend to suffer lower limb and chest injuries when they are involved in an accident. If the driver has no safety belt, they may suffer severe facial, head, and chest injuries. In case of a side-on crash, serious injuries are prone to the chest, head, and hip area. On the other hand, rear crashes may lead to neck, head, chest, and spine.
The bottom line, individuals involved in most road crashes go to the hospital immediately. Wearing a safety belt may help save you from serious injuries. Airbags can also reduce injury severity. However, the sudden impact could still lead to various injuries. These injuries might not be felt immediately after the accident. Thus, the need to contact a licensed Chiropractor would be a better option within days of the car accident.
At T98 Rehab & Chiropractic, we have experienced Chiropractors and staff members who help to treat the patient with a personalized care plan in the course of therapy. After a thorough examination and evaluation, you will be diagnosed accordingly to the cause of your discomfort and then work with our integrative approach systems with orthopedists, pain management specialists, physical therapists, and other health care providers to ensure your care is comprehensive and tailored to your needs. With “same day” appointments available, there is no need to delay getting the care you need.
What Injuries Can Occur During A Crash?
When you are driving a car, boat, or any other vehicle, your body, and the vehicle have kinetic energy. When there is a crash, the kinetic energy released because of a sudden crash impacts your body, leading to injuries and pain. While modern cars have new technology and safety features that help absorb the kinetic energy, these safety features could also play a small part as a mechanism of injury during the crash.
Below are some of the common injuries that you may suffer when you are involved in an auto-related accident. Even without serious injury, you may have some soreness or pain that follows due to the way your body is jolted around on impact. While these may seem annoying and irritating, slight pains like this can become chronic issues in the future if left untreated.Let’s take a brief moment to discuss each of these common conditions.
Auto Injury Symptoms
Car accidents, whether major or not, are dreadful experiences. Since everyone handles car crashes differently, it is hard to determine whether you suffered a dangerous injury or not. When left untreated these injuries could lead to serious back pain. While you may not feel hurt after a car crash, it is important to be checked by a chiropractor if any pain symptoms are not resolved. If you feel any of the following symptoms after a car crash, it is worth visiting a local pain expert who will determine if the symptom could lead to serious injuries. If you are in Austin, Texas, or neighboring cities, visit T98 Rehab & Chiropractic Wellness Center. We have experienced chiropractors who provide customized treatment to help your body heal within a short period.
A stiff neck is one of the most common symptoms associated with car crashes. Whiplash is an uncomfortable condition that limits your motion. It is often characterized by stiffness or pain in the neck especially while you try to turn your head. Our experienced chiropractor uses several techniques to restore the normal functioning of the neck. Helping you recover in a shorter period of time is one of our goals.

Headaches and migraines are not unusual, especially after a car crash. However, when it persists days or weeks after the car accident, it could be a signal of more serious issues. A CT scan or MRI is referred out for further diagnostic evaluation. Migraines could signify head or neck injury as well as blood clots in the brain, which are fatal. Our chiropractors will do a thorough examination and help treat the cause of the headaches with necessary imaging. After this, T98 chiropractors will come up with a customized treatment plan to address your specific condition.
Personality and mood changes are also a common sign that indicates traumatic brain injury from car accidents. Personality changes are usually characterized by having a bad mood or general depression. You could also have trouble focusing, thinking, or being emotional. Refer out for professional counseling.
Auto accident injuries could lead to numbness feeling in the arms and legs. This could be a result of nerve root irritation. Neck and lower back pain is caused by pinched nerves, muscle injury, and worn-out ligaments due to the collision impact. T98 chiropractors specialize in neck and back pain and help treat the spine and muscles back to its proper position. This will not only eliminate the pain but also improve your range of motion by tackling the injuries among others.
Shoulder pain is common after a car injury. Our body is not designed to handle the instant impact. Our shoulders respond to absorb the shock, leaving them susceptible to injuries. Chiropractors at T98 Rehab office work diligently to restore your injuries and current conditions. This will help ease the shoulder pain, neck stiffness, and back pain.
Car accident impact could lead to a loss of range of motion. As mentioned previously, the automobile crash could lead to a stiff neck and numbness in your arms and legs. Our chiropractors use advanced and safe techniques to restore your range of motion within a short period.
Chronic pain could render you unable to perform your daily chores. Our licensed chiropractors will treat each case individually and find the right treatment to fit the patient’s specific needs. Addressing the issues as soon as possible will help shorten the recovery time. Therefore, if you are experiencing chronic pain in different parts of the body, contact T98 Chiropractic and Rehab center as soon and have our experienced professionals to help you get back to normal functioning.
After an auto accident, you may notice muscle pain, soreness, and body aches. These symptoms often come from structurally bone or soft tissue injuries. It is no surprise that after such an accident with all the impact you face, you will notice tight and sore muscles for a few days. The chiropractors at T98 Chiropractic and Rehab are here to help. You can view our blog “The Importance of Visiting a Chiropractor After Experiencing Muscle Pain Following a Car Accident or Auto Injury” for more tips on how to relieve these symptoms.
Some of the Other Common Symptoms That May Indicate a Serious Condition After a Car Accident Includes:
- Lasting pain and stiffness
- Swelling of the abdomen
- Dizziness
- Chronic pain
- Worsening of pain with movement
- Blurred vision
- Tenderness/pain in the shoulder, upper and middle back pain, or arms
- Tingling or numbness in the arms or legs
- Fatigue
- Ringing in the ears
- Cold/flu-like symptoms
- Sleep disturbances
- Memory problems
- Difficulty concentration
- Depression
- Muscle ache
- Shooting/stabbing pain
- Pain that worsens with bending, lifting, standing, or walking
Why You Should Never Wait to Seek Medical Attention After a Car Accident
If you were injured in an automobile accident, you typically must report the incident to the insurance company within 24 hours. If you weren’t at fault for the accident, you should contact the insurance provider of the at-fault driver. You’ll probably be required to provide information about the cause of the accident and the extent of your injuries. Similarly, addressing the problem immediately after the accident also comes with other numerous benefits. Because auto accident injuries can have long-term effects on your comfort, health, and quality of life, seeking Chiropractic treatment as soon as you notice symptoms of any injury is the best way to minimize the consequences of your injuries.
Think about this, when you are about to have a collision, your body will tighten itself to brace for the impact or to guard the unexpected. Your muscles tighten throughout your body to protect their prospective areas. This tightening causes your muscles to be pulled and, in some cases, torn. The endorphins and adrenaline released in these stressful situations can mask this pain and the real damages will be noticed later the same day or in some cases days later.
As your muscles relax and the stress of the initial accident subsides, you may begin to experience muscle pain. You must be aware of these pain signals from your body. Should you experience stabbing pain or consistent throbbing pain, this is a sign you need to seek medical care.
If you have been injured in an auto accident, you can find the necessary treatment from T98 Rehab & Chiropractic. We offer a free consultation with “same day” appointments available, there is no need to delay getting the care you need.
Medical Records as Evidence
After an accident, seeking health care immediately will protect your rights to compensation for your health. At T98 Rehab & Chiropractic does not require upfront payments from injured parties (not at fault). Instead, we may provide necessary services and then work with the patient (you) and any involved insurance companies to determine who needs to pay what amount.
Start treating at T98 Rehab & Chiropractic will help in alleviating some of the potential problems, which may worsen over time. You’ll also have medical records which will help you get compensation especially if the accident was due to the negligence of the other driver (at fault).
(Note: If you have a personal injury attorney, the attorney may address these claims for you. These claims should be listed on the settlement sheet your attorney presents you for approval once your personal injury case has been resolved. You don’t have to worry about communicating the expenses with your attorney. We can do that for you, and we do work with an attorney on medical liens and LOP.)
Claims by the Insurance Company
Being injured in an auto accident, you can find the necessary treatments from T98 Rehab & Chiropractic. When an auto accident is not a person’s fault, the initial step is to file a personal injury claim with the at fault insurance (the responsible party). Typically, an attorney or the treating facility will facilitate the medical lien or work with the insurance company of the responsible party to negotiate the amount covered. Essentially, this enables the injured person of the auto accident to have their health care paid for by the other person’s auto insurance. T98 Rehab & Chiropractic may not require upfront payment from injured parties. Instead, we may provide necessary services and treatments, then work with the patient (you) and any involved insurance companies to determine payment. Your health comes first!
It Shortens the Recovery Period
A car accident could lead to life-altering injuries especially if you don’t get immediate health care attention. The impact may cause the injuries to intensify especially when you do not seek immediate assistance from a medical professional. Addressing the problem at the onset will shorten the recovery period. Therefore, it is always wise to visit your doctor after the accident. Chiropractors also make an excellent alternative. A Chiropractor will help restore motion to your spine, muscles, and joints. This will help the body to heal much faster. We are about results!
Who Pays for the Chiropractor and Other Medical Bills After An Auto Accident Injury?
In most cases, the negligent driver and their insurer will pay for the unpaid facility cost. This will not only include other medical bills but also the charges for chiropractic treatment and visits. If you are not at fault, the negligent driver (insurance) covers some or all the health care bills. Your insurance may also chip in if you have personal injury cover.
Generally, most insurance companies do not hesitate to pay for chiropractic care. An attorney may be used to secure your claim and begin the process of filing against the other party. T98 chiropractors have worked with many attorneys to provide the necessary information and documentation so patients can continue receiving the care they need.
When Not to See a Chiropractor
Visiting a Chiropractor will provide fast relief from pain. This could also prevent the worsening of the injuries over time. To see if chiropractic care is right for your auto injury, the chiropractors at T98 Rehab Chiropractic and Wellness will perform a consultation, examination and if necessary, refer you out for diagnostic imaging such as x-ray or MRI. Based on the findings of our chiropractic exam and consultation, your doctor of chiropractic may elect to co-treat your auto injury with other healthcare professionals including PCP, Pain Management, Orthopedics and Physical Therapists.
However, if you do not experience any of the symptoms, you do not need to seek further care. If need be, ensure that the chiropractor or other health providers are aware of all your medical conditions prior to the accident.
What to Expect During Your Visits to Our Office
Your first visit will take the time to perform an evaluation and a thorough exam of the injured area, and specifically identify the underlying cause of your symptoms. In some cases, the Chiropractor will order for an X-ray or MRI to look for hidden and underlying injuries. Once this causative agent is identified, a care plan will help to relieve the pain you are experiencing as a result of the accident and to correct and stabilize your condition so that the pain doesn’t return in the future.
Physically recovering after a crash is hard enough and we are all aware that many legal complications can go along with that. We have addressed insurance-related questions regarding accidents for over 10 years now. Our team has thousands of hours of experience with these cases and we work in an integrative approach so other medical providers will help you get your life back to normal in as little time as possible.
Most often, our chiropractors start the treatment at your first visit. The chiropractor will ask you to lie on the special treatment table for an adjustment. After lying on the bed, he/she will move the part being treated to its maximum range. This could be your neck, shoulder, or back.
The process isn’t painful and takes a short time. Depending on the nature of the injuries, the chiropractor could also give other treatment alongside the adjustment. This will include ice or heat therapy to soothe the irritated nerves.
After Treatment
Before leaving the clinic, our chiropractors will recommend some exercises to do at home. They may also advise you on the right nutrition and diet. We do not prescribe drugs, however, the right nutrition is key to hastening the recovery process.
Finally, the chiropractor will schedule a follow-up visit. Our chiropractic treatment lasts for several weeks. You will need to return 2 -4 times although this will depend on the nature of the injury. Follow-up visits are shorter than the first visit and often last for 20 -30 minutes.
The Bottom Line
If you have experienced any of the above injuries; don’t wait until it is too late to contact our Chiropractor. Our experienced professionals are trained to provide you with various treatment methods that help with your health and injuries.
Here at T98 Rehab & Chiropractic, our goal is to help patients recover and get results! We listen to our patients and treat every case based on evaluation and findings. Every accident has a different story, and every story is unique. Our Chiropractors and staff are trained to help you towards your journey to recovery, and most importantly we get results! Like mentioned before, auto accidents can be life-changing and extremely stressful. Aside from physical injury, many suffer emotionally as well. We want to help ease the stress one feels after an auto accident. We are here to help people who have suffered from an auto injury and provide the care you need!
Why choose T98 Rehab Chiropractic and Wellness
If you have been injured in an auto accident, schedule a consultation with the Chiropractors at T98 Rehab and Chiropractic. Walk-Ins are also welcome at our clinic! Car accidents are stressful and could cause life-altering injuries. However, with the help of our caring Chiropractors and staff, the injuries can heal faster, allowing you to get back to your normal routine within a shorter period. Contact us today for a free consultation!